Create Custom blog page or insert posts in any page as carousel or masonry blocks. Category ids can be filtered, means you can display posts from specific category or categories only. To start follow the steps bellow

1. Open the recent posts shortcode.
2. Select or fill in desired options

Category Id (optional)  :  Add ids of categories to filter, keep it blank for all categories (single or comma separated)
Number of item  :  Specify the number of recent posts to show.
Number of columns  :  Specify number of columns.
Show/hide item category labels  :  Show or hide category levels.
Show as carousel  : Show as carousel or masonry blocks

3 Column Carousel Example :


Kohler Generators on Rent

News 1 text
By : meos | Dec 29, 2014

Kohler Generator Sale

under construction
By : meos | Jan 15, 2014

Generator Servicing

under construction
By : meos | Jan 15, 2014

Generator Installation

under construction
By : meos | Jan 15, 2014

America’s Best value cars of 2013

Most savvy car buyers are aware that as soon as a new car gets driven off a dealer’s lot it immediately takes a dip in value. However, not all vehicles depreciate at<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : meos | Dec 31, 2013

How to get a great deal when buying a new car?

Heading to the auto dealership to buy a new car is a daunting prospect. For many of us, it represents the second most expensive purchase we’ll make in our lives, behind buying<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : meos | Dec 31, 2013

2 Column 4 Posts Masonry with pagination Example :


Significant technology turning points that transform car travel

From music to travel to telecommunications, technology has transformed entire industries and disrupted traditional ways of doing business. Just ask record labels, travel agents and home telephone service providers. And now it’s<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : meos | Dec 31, 2013
1 2 3

3 Column 6 Item Masonry Example :


Kohler Generators on Rent

News 1 text
By : meos | Dec 29, 2014

Kohler Generator Sale

under construction
By : meos | Jan 15, 2014

Generator Servicing

under construction
By : meos | Jan 15, 2014

Generator Installation

under construction
By : meos | Jan 15, 2014

America’s Best value cars of 2013

Most savvy car buyers are aware that as soon as a new car gets driven off a dealer’s lot it immediately takes a dip in value. However, not all vehicles depreciate at<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : meos | Dec 31, 2013

How to get a great deal when buying a new car?

Heading to the auto dealership to buy a new car is a daunting prospect. For many of us, it represents the second most expensive purchase we’ll make in our lives, behind buying<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : meos | Dec 31, 2013

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